Baldwin 300 Parking Structure

Cincinnati, OH




Baldwin 300 Parking Structure

Project Size: 1,100 parking stalls

Architect: PDT Architects, Cincinnati, Ohio

Structural Engineer: Cary Kopczynski & Company, Bellevue, Washington

Concrete Contractor: Baker Concrete Construction, Monroe, Ohio

Baldwin 300 is a modern expansion to Corporex’s Baldwin business center. The shared parking structure supports the office building and hotel above.

At the request of the owner, CKC was retained to re-engineer the work of a prior firm, resulting in substantial cost savings.

CKC provided all structural engineering for the four-level parking garage. This partial subterranean parking structure utilizes efficient and cost-effective cast-in-place construction. The structural system is a combination of wide-shallow beams and a flat plate system. Post-tensioned concrete was used throughout.



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